Build Back Better will help business owners stay afloat

Detroit Action
2 min readMay 24, 2022


We understand the feeling of hopelessness that pops up when you start thinking about climate change. We understand that it seems like we are past the point of no return when it comes to fighting global warming. Climate Change often feels like this big, impossible thing to tackle, but that is not true. We have the opportunity to take steps to not only to try and reverse the impacts of climate change, but also build infrastructure that will support people as we navigate the new reality that climate change has created. The Build Back Better act is our chance to address climate change head on, which is why we urge you all to support it.

In Michigan specifically, we have been facing extreme flooding as a result of climate change and it is impacting our homes and businesses alike. Flooding is impacting people like Roquesha O’Neal, whose life work and home was destroyed due to her basement not being built to withstand the extreme weather conditions. She had been running a daycare out of her home for decades but now Roquesha is unable to run her business due to the water damage her home has faced.

If climate change progresses at the same rate in Detroit, Black, Latinx and immigrant working class people are going to be hit the most due to economic disparities that leave our most marginalized demographics living in the oldest buildings with the most outdated infrastructure. Our response to climate change is an issue of equity and we believe that all people deserve access to housing that is built to withstand extreme weather.

The Build Back Better Act would invest in new infrastructure throughout Detroit to ensure our most marginalized groups have secure housing that is built to withstand the influx of flooding we are facing due to climate change.

If you are interested in joining the fight to build back better, please join us at our next event where you can learn more about how the Build Back Better act will support your community. You can see when our next events are HERE.

We hope to see you soon!



Detroit Action

Detroit Action is a membership based organization that fights for economic and social justice for working class Detroiters. A little union for the hood.